
Please note that the dates and deliverables outlined in this roadmap are not set in stone. They serve as an indication of our ambition and the direction we are aiming to take. We are committed to transparency and excellence, and as we progress, we may find opportunities to adjust our course to better serve our goals or to respond to unforeseen challenges and opportunities. Therefore, the actual timeline and specifics of our deliverables could differ from what is presented here.

The overarching idea is as follows:

An unrestricted, unbiased, uncensored LLM will be run by anyone who chooses to do so. In exchange for allocating compute these 'nodes' will get paid by users who are requesting these inferences. This could be everyday retail but also businesses and application layers connected to the monadbrain API. The model will be extended will multi-modal features like text-to-speech, speech-to-text, OCR, image generation and other (logical) expansions to ensure a mind-blowing user experience. Our ambition and expectation is a widely spread decentralized self-sustaining network of inference 'miners' profiting from a high demand for uncensored AI inferences. Q1 2024

  • Launch of our first Large Language Model (LLM), showcasing its capabilities and potential against established competitors.

  • Hosting of the Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) event to secure token liquidity prior to the mainnet launch.

Q2 2024

  • Release of the web app, Telegram bot, and the first applications built on our LLM, demonstrating practical use cases.

Q3 2024

  • Publication of technical documents and benchmark results for the LLM, emphasizing its performance.

  • Introduction of multi-model features to enhance user experience.

  • Planned migration to the Monad mainnet.

Q4 2024

  • Deployment of staking contracts and node software, initiating the decentralization of our AI product offering.

Last updated